Spiritual Growth
Below are just some of the ways to grow spiritually at St. John the Baptist Parish.
Eucharistic Adoration
Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament at St. John the Baptist has been ongoing for 26 years. This beautiful devotion began on September 5, 1986.
The Blessed Sacrament is exposed in the monstrance every Friday morning following the 8:00 am Mass until 11:30 am.
On the first Friday of every month, there is 24-hour Adoration in the Church, from 8:00 am Friday until 8:00 am Mass on Saturday.
All parishioners and visitors are invited to come pray with us during these hours. Many thanks to those who regularly come to spend an hour with our Lord and to all who make this devotion so successful.
Father John
Parish Mission Committee
This ministry contacts the person to preach and prepares the needs for the mission program.
Father John
Prayer Line
The Prayer Line is for all parishioners who have a special prayer need. In this ministry each person on the prayer line calls the next person until everyone of the prayer line has been called. Then each person says special prayers for the person's needs.
Carolyn Dupuy
Interested in learning more about the priesthood, or religious life? Be sure to visit the Diocese of Baton Rouge Vocations website or their facebook page. We are also blessed to have the former Director of Vocations for the Diocese of Baton Rouge as our pastor, Fr. John!
Fr. Joshua Johnson
Eucharistic Adoration
Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament at St. John the Baptist has been ongoing for 26 years. This beautiful devotion began on September 5, 1986.
The Blessed Sacrament is exposed in the monstrance every Friday morning following the 8:00 am Mass until 11:30 am.
On the first Friday of every month, there is 24-hour Adoration in the Church, from 8:00 am Friday until 8:00 am Mass on Saturday.
All parishioners and visitors are invited to come pray with us during these hours. Many thanks to those who regularly come to spend an hour with our Lord and to all who make this devotion so successful.
Father John
Parish Mission Committee
This ministry contacts the person to preach and prepares the needs for the mission program.
Father John
Prayer Line
The Prayer Line is for all parishioners who have a special prayer need. In this ministry each person on the prayer line calls the next person until everyone of the prayer line has been called. Then each person says special prayers for the person's needs.
Carolyn Dupuy
Interested in learning more about the priesthood, or religious life? Be sure to visit the Diocese of Baton Rouge Vocations website or their facebook page. We are also blessed to have the former Director of Vocations for the Diocese of Baton Rouge as our pastor, Fr. John!
Fr. Joshua Johnson