Parish School of Religion Mission & General Information
Circle of Grace (Child Protection)
It is a requirement that the Circle of Grace program be taught each year. Individual, age appropriate, lessons are provided for each grade level. The classes will be held during our regular scheduled class times, and parents will be notified ahead of time, with the option to have their child "opt out" if they so choose. 2023-2024 Dates TBA
High School Instructions (11th)
Parents must closely supervise teens that drive to Christian Formation. Responsible, safe driving must be practiced at all times when on St. John the Baptist Parish Church grounds. (NO TEXTING AND DRIVING PLEASE)
Children’s Catechumenate (RCIC)
Children’s Catechumenate is a program for children between the ages of 8 and 17 who have not received one or more of the sacraments of Baptism, First Reconciliation, First Eucharist, and Confirmation. We welcome and invite all parents of students who are interested in this program, to contact the Christian Formation Office at (225) 749-3387 for more information.