7.8 Magnitude Earthquake An earthquake devastated large areas of central Turkey and and Northwest Syria with many lives lost and leaving thousands without homes. Catholic Relief Services will support emergency relief efforts led by local partners in both countries. Donations can be made through this link at Catholic Charities.
Religion Mass for K-8 - March 13
Religion Mass for K-8 students will be at 5:30pm on March 13th. Please drop off your child at 5:15pm in Church and pick up your child at 6:20pm from Church. All family members are welcome to attend! There will be NO religion classes for K-8 students on March 14th or 15th.
Christian Formation Classes for Kindergarten, 8th Grade and Confirmation will have in person classes. Other grades will have class virtually or by hard copy of curriculum. Please follow the link to fill out our registration, and fill out the following forms to complete the registration process. If you have any questions, please call June Hebert at 225-749-3387.
All Night Eucharistic Adoration - July 5/6 All Night Eucharistic Adoration Friday, July 5th at 8:00 PM through Saturday, July 6th at 8:00 AM. Sign-up sheets are in the back of Church. 1st Saturday Mass is at 8:00 AM on Saturday, July 6th.